Monday, November 21


I've become a little confused in my own head lately, as with the recent events in Spokane involving the tragic murder/assault of a family on the south hill here in Spokane raises the question of what punishment is appropriate for the degree of the crime committed. What makes this more personal to me is the fact that I know someone closely involved in the issue, and for concern of privacy of the party, I wont go further down that road. Considering where my formidable years bear on this,I was raised in a catholic family, and yes I was even an alter boy (please no dirty priest jokes), and well, the Christian thing to do is not take the life of another, but to forgive, and find a punishment that is more along the lines of life imprisonment, despite the perps age. What troubles me though is the fact that I don't feel we should impose the death penalty for criminals, I am pro choice.
The only connection I can see in this is that I guess I don't feel that we as a society can impose our wills upon others, I respect life, and I respect the need of the state not to rule over the physical being of it's people. So Do I actually oppose abortion? I can't go as far as saying I am pro life to the extent of not allowing an abortion, but I guess I feel it is morally incorrect. I find that those who take the pro life cause to the extreme of threatening the lives at clinics such as Planned Parent to be the most hypocritical of all, and I understand that these individuals are a minority of that movement, but I also know that those employees whom work in clinics such as these do not promote the use of abortion, and instead work to council those with unexpected pregnancies to alternatives to that choice, and also work to promote means of preventing such situations.
I know, in and of myself, let alone anyone out there in general, can come anywhere near ending this debate. At this time, I feel that I am just as big of a hypocrite for feeling one way and acting another, but what I do know is it is not my place to inflict my will upon other people's lives/well being.

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